Tuesday 27 November 2012

E-toilet, International Bioenergy Summit- 2012


Ø After payment, the door of the unit unlocks and the light and exhaust fan are switched on automatically. After the user enters it, the closet is doused with 100 ml of water
Ø  If the usage is for less than three minutes, the system flushes with 1.5 litres of water, if more than 4 ltr of water
Ø It also uses a bio-membrane reactor for its sewage treatment plant which uses nanotechnology to recycle used water.

Bio-energy Summit:

Ø In an endeavor to create a roadmap for the next five years for innovative technologies and policies for biofuels development in India, the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India along with The Energy and Resources Institute(TERI) launched a two day International Summit on ‘Bioenergy: Algae Biofuel & Synthetic Biology 2012’
Ø two day summit, experts and policymakers are aiming to identify the primary tasks that must be undertaken to accelerate the sustainable deployment of biofuels in India.
Ø The summit is witnessing the participation from renowned scientists from over 7 countries, including India, USA, France, Belgium, Malaysia, and South Africa along with 10 eminent international speakers.
Ø Releases “The Bioenergy Road-Map –Vision 2020” of the Department of Biotechnology

International Bioenergy Summit-2012

Mission of the summit:

Ø The summit will consist of plenary talks, invited talks, and panel discussions to deliberate on key issues for next generation fuels.
Ø It will provide a unique opportunity for communication and collaboration between academia, industry, and policy-makers.


Ø The International Bioenergy Summit-2012 is being sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, and organized by TERI. The event, scheduled to be held on November 5 and 6, 2012 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India, plans to bring together key players who are pioneering in the development of next generation biofuels to address the key issues in creating cost-competitive, industrial scale production technologies.

1 comment:

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