Wednesday 19 December 2012

Black King Fish-Cobia (Sea Chicken), Indian Institute of Brackish Water Aquaculture, Clinical Trial

New technology to breed Cobia in farms and ponds:

Ø Black King fish- scavenging on the remnants of big predator-shark
Ø Central institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture has achieved controlled breeding of Cobia
Ø Cobia breeding done in Vietnam in Cages in water- Calm sea,
Ø India – not possible due to turbulent sea
Ø Fish is also known as sea chicken

Central institute of Brackish water Aquaculture:

Ø Established by ICAR in 1987 to conduct research for development of techno-economic viable and sustainable culture system for finfish and shellfish in Brackish Water, to act as a repository of information of resources of brackish water, to undertake transfer of technology to training education of extension program and to provide consultancy services.

Clinical Trials:

Ø All drugs- from innocuous cough to life threatening cancer are outcome of clinical trial
Ø Drugs go through various stages before tried on humans such as Animal Trial>>> Govt. approval>>> then human trials

Needless controversy:

Ø Portraying only negative side of the trials- by media, NGO, PIL
Ø Indian society for clinical research- ISCR denying the fact.
Ø Without clinical trials we would never be able to know that Herceptin is only useful for tumous of HER2 type

Advantage for India:

Ø Drug innovation based on cost and skills (Lack of credible regulations)
Ø Banning will deny poor the cheaper and better drugs
Ø For efficacy, drugs need to be tested on ethnic population for that India should have its representation (genetic variation can result in difference in results) i.e. Cancer drug- Iressa worked well on Japanese but not on Caucasians

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