Saturday 1 December 2012

Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, Nuclear Power Plant Safety, Small and Marginal Farmers, Indian Currency

Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar Sahitya Ratna Samman’

President gives away this samman IN November, 2012 to 21 prominent writers and social workers. Dinkar also contributed in the freedom stuggle and to Hindi Literature.
He also called upon the Indian writers to bring international laurels to the country through their writings.

Safety and Capacity of Nuclear Power Plant

Ø The current installed nuclear power capacity in the country is 4780 MW comprising twenty nuclear power reactors.
Ø The XII Five Year Plan proposals envisage start of work on 19 nuclear power reactors with a capacity of 17400 MW.
Ø There are seven nuclear power reactors, with a capacity of 5300 MW, under construction.
v Safety is accorded utmost importance in all phases of nuclear power plants from siting, design, construction, commissioning, operation & maintenance and eventual decommissioning.  The standards of safety followed in India are consistent with the best practices followed in the world.  The nuclear power plant sites are evaluated in accordance with the criteria as laid down in the regulatory codes.  The nuclear power plants are designed using defence-in-depth approach based on well defined principles of redundancy and diversity.  The construction is carried out to meet the highest safety and quality standards.  The operation of nuclear power plants is carried out in accordance with laid down procedures approved by the regulatory authority by trained personnel duly licensed by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB).  There is a robust regulatory mechanism in place for enforcement of safety in all activities right from initial siting to decommissioning of nuclear power plants. This is what the Govt. Say!!

Measures being taken to Support Small and Marginal farmers

Ø Financial Incentive (UP-Akhilesh waived 50k of loan for farmers)
Ø Grants
Ø Concession to farmers with special emphasis on holdings of SMF through various scheme such as National Food Security Mission, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna, Revised Mactro Management of Agroiculture, Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize (ISOPOM), Development and strengthening of infrastructure facilities for production and distribution of quality seeds
Ø Govt. regulation for increase of credit flow towards agriculture

Self Reliance in Printing of Currencies:

Ø Now we can mint our currency on our own
Ø Total requirement= 17600 million pieces of Bank Notes of various denominations
Ø These are minted by Bhartiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Pvt. Ltd. (Mysore, Salboni) And Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd. (Dewas and Nasik)
Ø Look at the map the location of minting factories.

Why India want to be self-sufficient when it can just simply outsource the job:

Influx of fake currency from across the border is a separate issue and has no relevance to the printing of currency in the country. There is no confirmed estimate of fake currency within the country
However, to address the menace of Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN), several agencies of Centre and States are working in tandem to thwart the nefarious activity related to FICN. Ministry of Home Affairs hass constituted Fake Indian Currency Notes Coordination Centre (FCORD) to periodically review the activities of various agencies

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