Thursday 20 December 2012

National Optical Fibre Network, Mullaperiyar Dam, National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project

National Optical Fibre Network:

Ø To provide broadband connectivity to Panchayats Cost- Rs. 20000 cr
Ø Under Universal Service Obligation Fund
Ø World Bank- every 10% increase in broadband penetration will enhance 1.4% GDP

Mullaperiyar Dam:

Ø In Karala State on Periyar River. Build by Britisher in year 1887-1895.
Ø To divert water in then Madras Presidency (Now TN)
Ø Periyar National Park around the Dam
Ø Dam is controlled and operated by TN on a 999 year lease
Ø Structure is old and there is a risk of failure
Ø Lease – bone of contention
Ø Karala said- its ready to build new dam but TN opposes
Ø A.S Anand committee to examine the safety of the dam

National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP)

Ø To mitigate the risk of cyclone in AP and Orrissa
Ø Cost of the project 1500 cr
Ø Upgrade cyclone forecasting, tracking, and warning system

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